Saturday, September 09, 2006

My wife Chris owns a second-hand clothing store in Momence. Today she had a couple little girls around 5th grade age come in the store and play dress up. She says they are regulars. Difference being today one of the little girls asked my mom who at the time was holding my 5 month old daughter McKenna if she has a daddy? It’s now been about 8 hours since I was told of what the little girl asked and it’s still bringing tears to my eyes.

Would the millions of dollars spent on a jail have eliminated every single parent home? Certainly not, but I can guarantee you the millions of dollars spent on jails and prisons won’t eliminate even one. Millions poured in to good education and the creation of jobs with fair wages will most certainly make for stronger families.

I keep myself up at night worrying about issues just like this one. Many issues I have little to no control over. My wife says I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Maybe this is true. This is serving as both an email and a blog post. Those of you I’m emailing this to are either office holders, candidates for office or another of those like me worrying about what we can do to right the wrongs and make this world a better place for our children and future generations.

I must admit to worrying about what kind of County Board member I will make. I’ve never held public office of any kind. Having served just one year as co-president of our local youth sports association is the extent of my board involvement. Then I remind myself that being a great leader the kind that truly help people, can truly affect change is the person that doesn’t necessarily have the answers, but the one not afraid to ask the questions.

Robert Kennedy often said, “Some men see things that are and say why, I dream things that never were and say why not?”

On November 7th, please vote Democrat.


At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t usually get into political discussions anymore. They always seem to go no where and nothing ever gets resolved. People in political positions choose to do nothing but talk about there way and how right it is. Politicians have forgotten how to to compromise….how to work together for a greater good. The state of our world is a fine example. Not that I am complaining about where things are….I just know where things could be. Now to bring up the reason I am bloging. I have to agree with you the changing face of our worlds families is disturbing. Coming from a close nit family as you do and having a daughter I would not trade a minute for I too become concerned with where family life is heading. However I do not believe pouring all our money into education and fair job creation is the exact remedy. My opinion is that we need more work in our community. By this I mean more volunteer action with children who come from broken families. I think we need to help build a stronger community for our children to realize the importance of family. We need to help build better values among younger generations. We need to force more parents to take responsibility for their children and spend more time with them in their communities. I don’t know about you but I am the father I am today because of my father and my family. I think that kids who don’t have that need something. Boys and girls clubs…..YMCA…..youth groups. Why can’t our politicians push for these things? Why don’t they get into the community? I know you did with baseball. I just feel our future depends on what we can teach our kids through our community. This included in better education and better jobs for our future could be the start of a plan to bring back what you and I remember of family….a father…..a mother….a brother and or a sister. A family meal…..catch in the yard. All of this I believe starts with installing values back into our youth. And affordable community programs that are about the children not the parents…..sorry little jab at mysa….are a great start.

Thank you.
Josh Dutour


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